How to farm FB accounts correctly?
Farming or "warming-up" is the procedure of creating quality accounts in social networks. A quality account is the one that is perceived by social network algorithms as an account of a real person. For example, if Facebook identifies an account as "real", then the percentage of trust in that account increases. Quality account preparation offers even more benefits:
- Passing moderation. The process becomes much easier. That is why they are called TRUST. Instead of manually checking ads, you'll likely only have to solve the bot issue with cloaca.
- Ability to attach more advertising campaigns to one business manager.
- Spend will increase. Meaning, the budget for advertising campaigns for a particular account. New accounts are limited to 5 dollars, trust accounts to several hundred dollars.
- And these accounts live longer. As the system needs more time to recognize a violator in a trust account, it can take weeks.
Such accounts can’t live forever as Facebook ad fraud protection is constantly updated. The social network analyzes the actions performed by users, identifies similar scenarios and blocks affiliate marketing accounts. But if you farm for a long time and with high quality, the system can even forgive small violations for some time. We also talk about this topic in detail in our video.
Types of accounts
Depending on time and quality of farming, accounts are divided into types. Most people buy accounts from individuals or stores. Here are the types you can find on their catalog:
- Softregs. These are accounts created automatically with the help of special software, they have no real owner. They can be clean or with some information, from this their value will depend on, but all the same it is the most accessible and cheapest type of accounts. Initially, the trust and life expectancy of them is minimal, and the longer they exist before selling, the higher the probability of deletion, so you need to farm it. Softregs are used purely for work purposes - advertising, spam, etc.
- Freshregs. These are accounts created manually or automatically, but the time between registration and sale is minimal, meaning, someone created them for us, and we have to refarm them.
- Trend accounts. These are fraudulently obtained accounts that were used by a real person, and there is even a linked card in some cases. These include brutes (hacked by password cracking or if the owner leaked the password) and logs (all the same accounts, only we get cookies and proxies included).
When faced with such accounts, you need to consider the risks:
- First, the same account may be sold to several people.
- Secondly, the owner may try to restore the account at any time.
It is not recommended to use these accounts, because in general theft of personal information is a crime, legal punishment may not follow, but the risk of becoming a victim yourself increases significantly.
- Rental accounts. These are accounts of real people who voluntarily gave access to them, either for money or in a friendly way. Meaning, this includes accounts of family, friends, acquaintances, and those who responded to an Instagram ad, for example. Trust and cost in this case is maximum.Â
- Accounts that passed ad ban. These are accounts that were verified after the Advertising Ban and therefore have more trust than a normal farmed account. Not all farms pass ad ban and therefore this type is more expensive than a normal account.
- King accounts. These are qualitatively farmed trust accounts where the probability of banning is minimal. As a rule, they have: farmed fanpage, connected BM and passed ad ban. Up to 5 autoregs are usually connected to the Kings, which allows you to manage advertising campaigns from one account, again reducing the risk of getting banned.
The process for preparing to farm accounts
A reasonable question arises: if you can buy it, why farm it yourself? The main reason is that you can be 100% sure in your own accounts, if, of course, you put in your best efforts. There is also always the risk of running into low-quality farming. Also, manual farming will save the budget, and it may even increase, if you put it on a stream and sell your accounts. In order to create and prepare accounts for Facebook ads, we will need:
- Anti-detect browser. Detailed in this video.
- Proxies. Preference should be given to mobile or resident ones. The proxy server should be selected according to the region of the account. Don’t forget that each profile has its own proxy.
- SIM cards and email addresses. You need clean ones that haven’t yet been used to activate the account. Phone numbers must match the GEO of the account.
- Payments that we will link to the accounts.
- Photos for the profile. You need 5-10 photos of one person, which aren’t in the public domain and especially in Meta social networks. Once the photos are found, you need to clean up the metadata and edit it just in case.Â
In order not to get confused with profiles, keep a spreadsheet. Where you will enter all the data accounts, the same applies to purchased ones. Before describing the Farming process, it should be emphasized that there is no single template that will always work with equal success in affiliate marketing. Facebook's security system is always on the move and analyzes user behavior, identifying patterns and similar patterns. Old patterns stop working, you have to come up with something new, so Farming implies learning and testing.
- By the time you click the "Register" button, you should have already prepared tabs in the Antidetect browser for each account with the GEO account settings. In the same place, you should have your mail set up and the corresponding phone number linked.
- Next, you should receive Cookies, cause you may arouse suspicion in Fb without them. To do this, you need to visit 20-30 sites that use Fb pixel. But you need to make everything look organic, not just open 50 random links in a row and immediately register. The whole point of farming is to mimic the activity of a real user. It is absolutely necessary to avoid stereotyped behavior, because Fb notices similar patterns and remembers them, and this system is artificially-intelligent and self-learning. It’s better to take 1-2 days to visit sites.
- Once you've mimicked the name, you finally sign up. It is possible to register on Facebook itself, or through third-party sites. When you are offered to authorize through Fb, a form for a new account pops up. By the way, if the account is purchased, login to it is the same. Thus, the history of your account is created in the eyes of Fb.
- Then we fill in the questionnaire data and upload a photo. Some points can be left blank, and if you farm several accounts at once - avoid monotony and patterns - fill out a different number of different points of information. As for photos, upload a few of them and a cover. Leave 1 photo in case selfies are needed.
- After that, scroll the feed, subscribe to a couple of groups and put the account on hold for a couple days.
- Go to your profile and fill in some fields of information.
- Scroll through the feed, watch photos, videos, put some likes with no fuss - 5-10 per day, you can do more, but only if you view a lot of content.
- Comment on posts, repost them, subscribe to interest groups. Do everything moderately, as a normal user would do and don’t copy the same comments. By consuming and reacting to different content, you show Fb what your interests are and it already in turn thinks what kind of advertising it could give you to earn. By the way, you can react not only to content, you can also complain about other users, but only reasonably.Â
- Add friends. Go to recommendations, then to the pages of recommended friends, and after making sure that you really "know them," add them. So, you need to add no more than 30 people per day, but not strictly 30, remember to avoid patterns. Someone advises to increase the number of friend requests every day, but here you need to try and see what works best. Then you can add friends of your friends and pay attention to their GEO, it is desirable that they are nearby.
- You should make publications on your page, for example, cars, islands and kittens. But the best thing is to publish photos taken from a mobile device with metadata preserved.
- Don't forget to keep surfing the web and visit sites with the Facebook pixel. It is better to register on them utilizing your Fb account.
- At times you can reduce activity by pretending to have a weekend.
- After about a week, you can create a FanPage. This is a public page for promoting your business, goods and services. By the way, a couple of days before its creation, it would also be good to subscribe to thematic groups, repost sales videos, take a Meta Blueprint advertising course, put some books about selling to your shopping cart, etc.Â
- After creating Fan Page, start publishing posts. The content should be neutral, preferably related to your offer. Â After a couple of days, you can even promote some publications on a minimum budget for a few days.
- Then create Business Manager. If it is necessary to confirm your identity, use the account data from the spreadsheet and services for editing images.
You can prepare a quality account in 14 days, but you can farm longer if you want. Before launching an advertising campaign, it is absolutely necessary to let the accounts rest, so don't touch them at all for 1-2 days.
Recommendations for increasing account trust
- Interact with other people - communicate, block users and complain about them.
- Take your time, in this case.
- Each profile has its own proxy.
- Every account has its own card.
- In order for Facebook to like you - go beyond it – create an Insta account through Facebook, authorize all kinds of resources using your account.
- Facebook shouldn’t think that you are interested only in one thing. Neither put a lot of money on your balance at once, nor show interest in advertising.
- Behave naturally. Imagine that it's your personal account, you just have a lot of personalities.
We have analyzed the account farming process in detail and defined a simple and convenient algorithm of actions. We advise you to remember that any farming process cannot fit into a single template, as the FB service itself is changing and learning to react to unfair actions of users. This is leveled only by tests and optimization.
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