+ $4266 with 110% ROI on diabetes in Poland
As part of our Mini-case competition, the Epic-Media team prepared a fresh diabetes case for Poland with a result of + $4266 and an ROI of 110%.
- Period: 07.17.2022 - 08.10.2022 (24 days)
- Earned: $8136
- Spent: $3870
- Profit: 4266$
- ROI: 110%
- Source: Facebook
- Affiliate Program: dr.cash
- Offer: Id21270 Glikotril Free - COD - [PL]
- Geo: Poland
We took landing pages that converted well in the CIS and translated them into Polish conversion (added roulette to some, which helps to interest the target audience).
Comments on the Glikotril landing page must be at least with a couple of photos of the product in hand. This will add quite a bit of trust and raise the approval by a couple of percent.
For creatives, it is best to use static, which has been showing itself well for several years.
The text is pretty simple. No need to write huge text - short and clear, but informative.
You can take a couple of phrases from the landing itself to make it clear what it is about.
Screenshot from Dr.Cash Affiliate Network.
We see 2580 leads, of which almost 1000 are trash. You need to be prepared for this if you work with “zero price” offers (on the landing page, the price for the offer is "0"). Approval 20.5% which is a good result for the same “zero price” offers.
Starting traffic
We used both a cloaca (Imklo + Keitaro) and pre-landing (Google.site and Canva). Both options proved to be very good, even in terms of the span approximately the same. White pages were also used thematic (proper nutrition, clean blood vessels, going to the doctor for a consultation).
The white page must contain an application form (otherwise, in 80% of cases you can get a ban during moderation).
CPL - average cost per lead was about $1.5. It was possible to find a lead for $1 or less, but unfortunately they did not live more than 50-70 leads.
The launch of the advertising campaign was carried out with the Polish King landing page with PZRD and Ukrainian account farming (accounts were farmed (created) under Ukrainian ip), Tier 1 auto-registrations were placed on them.
Review of dr.cash
Initially, I would like to say a few words about Tikhone (@Charliercash manager Dr.Cash ). He endured all our whims, helped with all the integrations, and immediately after the first 100 leads, he removed the hold, which helped a lot in our work. I also liked the dr.cash Affiliate Network with a huge number of offers, which is very pleasing, and the rates are one of the largest on the market.
I hope that in the future we will also work together and show good results.
Applications for participation in the Mini-case competition will be accepted until 14.09. All details about the prizes and conditions can be found here.
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